I’m a cotton headed ninny muggin!

Yes you would have guessed! It’s dress up time at school again and this time we have to dress up as elves… not sure why but I’m here to indulge and get creative for as little money as possible. Went online to see if I could get something cheap but either it was very tarty which is completely inappropriate for school or it was expensive. I went to Brighton to buy some felt and got creative with the boys.


Here is what you need to make three elf costumes:

2 m of red felt

1 m of green felt

50 cm of black felt

a sheet of yellowish felt

green pompom (but you can use red or gold)

about 4 m of green ric rac

red thread

green thread

black thread

sewing paraphernalia

3 red t-shirt

First grab those tees and lay them flat. lay a piece of paper wide enough to cover the neck, collar and shoulders:

mark with a pen the edge of the collar by feeling with your fingers (don’t worry about being precise as we are working with felt it is quite forgiving):

decide how long you want the green “leaves to hang” we decided it will be the length of the shoulders (depends on your size)

For a mall Tee the length was 3 1/4″ for a bigger one it was 4 ” etc… mark the same length all the way round, make our littl elves work by tracing and cutting:

divide the cut piece in 4 sections like so:

Mark crosses in each section to end up with this:

Cut around and now you have your front colerette pattern. repeat all those steps for the back but you don’t have to make one for the back if you don’t want to. repeat for all three tee-shirts.

Place the patterns on green felt pin and cut around:

insert a piece of cardboard inside the tee-shirts and stick the felt with fabric glue on the tees:

Press quite hard and let it dry.

Now trace on the black felt the buttons: use a 2 p coin to trace around and then cut, use the fabric glue to stick on the Tees. Three per tee is enough but you can add as much or little as you want.

now cut a 3 or 4 ” wide strip of black felt,position it on tee and cut to desired length, stick with fabric glue:

cut a rectangle of the width of the black strip and fold it in half, cut it in that way:

et voila! you now have three elf tees for very cheap!

I will post the felt elf skirt tutorial tomorrow!

See you then!

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